"The very name Mesopotamia is evocative. This land, whose name means 'between two rivers,' is also known as the Fertile Crescent. It's the Cradle of Civilization. Cities grew here. Agriculture was established. Writing was invented. But the cultures of Mesopotamia left the world many more inventions as well. Readers . . . will . . . discover the extraordinary accomplishments of Mesopotamian cultures"--Provided by publisher.
Explores the architectural, scientific, written, agricultural, and mathematical advancements of ancient Egypt. Includes color photographs, fact boxes, a glossary, and additional resources.
Explores the scientific, agricultural, written, mathematical, astronomy-related, and legal innovations of the ancient civilizations of the Americas. Includes color photographs, fact boxes, a glossary, and additional resources.
Explores the artistic, architectural, scientific, legal, political, and medical advancements of ancient Rome. Includes color photographs, fact boxes, maps, a glossary, and additional resources.
Explores the agricultural, artistic, political, mathematical, scientific, and medical accomplishments of ancient Mesopotamia. Includes color photographs, fact boxes, maps, a glossary, and additional resources.
Imagine a battle between a bird and a rhinoceros. It might seem obvious that the rhinoceros would triumph. But the outcome isn't so clear when the bird in question is a cassowary-a large, heavy creature with a reputation as the world's deadliest bird. Young readers will thrill at the knowledge they uncover as they try to figure out which of these fascinating animals might prove victorious if they were to confront each other. Age-appropriate text addresses important science concepts, while vibrant images enliven the text. Photo captions and striking statistics enrich the accessible information.
A conflict between two herbivores might not sound like much of a battle. But when those plant eaters are powerful animals like a kangaroo and a gorilla, one can envision a real clash. Discoveries about the lives of these animals will enthrall young readers as they try to guess which might triumph in an imaginary encounter between the two. Accessible text, including stunning statistics, highlights important science concepts, while powerful images bring the information to life.
"Harriet Tubman is well known for her work as an abolitionist and a conductor on the Underground Railroad. Her life was one of both extraordinary suffering and extraordinary courage. This . . . volume traces her life from her childhood years in slavery, through her own escape and subsequent work on the Underground Railroad, to her final years"--Provided by publisher.
"China is frequently in the news today. It may be presented as an exotic place to travel-or as an economic opponent on the world stage. But few really understand China's history and how its discoveries and inventions have shaped our world. Did you drink tea, use a fork, or read a newspaper this morning? You can thank the Chinese! . . . Readers . . . [will] uncover the many inventions and discoveries of the ancient Chinese"--Provided by publisher.