Princess School

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Let down your hair

Rapunzel tries to escape from Madame Gothel's tower so that she can attend Princess School and be with her friends.
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Apple-y ever after

Snow White struggles to help her father, King White, get out from under her stepmothers evil spell.

Thorn in her side

Briar Rose wins the part of Princess Perfecta in the school play.

Who's the fairest?

Snow must make a choice between letting down her teammates and facing her stepmother after learning Malodora is going to be one of the judges for the upcoming Maiden Games between the Princess School and the witches from Grimm.

Princess Charming

Rapunzel, anxious to knock Prince Val down a peg, decides to disguise herself as a knight and challenge him in the annual jousting tournament being sponsored by the Charm School for Boys.

If the shoe fits

Ella is off to her first day of Princess School and she can't find her fairy godmother; however, her fears are calmed after she meets new friends Snow, Rapunzel, and Rose.

Beauty is a beast

At the Princess School, Rose is tired of being considered perfect by the teachers and other students so she makes a plan to be liked for the way she actually is.

Let down your hair

Rapunzel tries to escape from Madame Gothel's tower so that she can attend Princess School and be with her friends.
Cover image of Let down your hair
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