Rice, Eve

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Benny bakes a cake

When the dog eats Benny's birthday cake, Daddy comes to the rescue.
Cover image of Benny bakes a cake

Peter's pocket

Sam who never forgets

Every day Sam, the zookeeper, remembers to feed all the animals--even the elephant.
Cover image of Sam who never forgets


A young girl describes all the things that she and her father do when they go to the swimming pool each Saturday morning.

Goodnight, goodnight

Night settles over a town and all its people going about their nighttime activities.

New blue shoes

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A little girl goes shopping with her mother for new shoes which she insists must be blue.

Aren't you coming too?

Amy watches as everyone leaves the house and as neighbors are busy in the street, but when Grandpa finally comes, Amy goes out too.

Peter's pocket

Oh, Lewis!

Lewis has a lot of trouble with his winter clothing.


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