
Topical Term

What are fungi and molds?

It is easy to be grossed out by fungi or worry about its impact on our health. While both are valid concerns, fungi and mold are actually important to our everyday lives. Like bacteria, fungi exist almost everywhere on the planet. They are hardy organisms the thrive in places you might not expect. Also like bacteria, they are essential in the breakdown of dead and decaying matter. One important group of fungi that does this is known as saprophytes. These fungi use decaying matter for nourishment, and without them breaking down organic matter throughout the environment, life on Earth would be quite different. Without fungi, the world we know could not exist.

Fungus is among us!

Rhyming text and color illustrations describe the fungi all around us: in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and on our bodies; and discusses whether or not we should be afraid of it and how it is helpful.
Cover image of Fungus is among us!

The rise of yeast

how the sugar fungus shaped civilization
A blend of science, history, and sociology that argues that the discovery and controlled use of yeast has profoundly altered human history.
Cover image of The rise of yeast

Fungi and molds

This book explores fungi and molds, organisms that exist largely unseen all around us.
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