Simon, Seymour

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Destination: Moon

"Celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission with the story of the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, including insights about what makes the Moon so fascinating to humankind"--OCLC.


"Investigates the many characteristics and behaviors of elephants and, with . . . full-color photographs, learn all about the largest land animals in the world"--Provided by publisher.

Icebergs & glaciers

Contains information on icebergs and glaciers, and discusses how they are formed, how they move, and describes the different kinds of glaciers and icebergs as well as their effect on the environment.

Einstein Anderson, science sleuth

Adam "Einstein" Anderson uses his knowledge of science to discover the cause of a shrinking table, win a bet with Pat the Brat, uncover a UFO hoax, and solve other scientific riddles.


Describes the processes that shape the world's oceans; the oceans' physical characteristics and life-forms; and their relationships to the moon and to weather.
Cover image of Oceans

Incredible sharks

An introduction to the physical characteristics and behavior of various kinds of sharks.
Cover image of Incredible sharks


Describes the atmospheric conditions which create thunderstorms, hailstorms, lightning, tornadoes, and hurricanes and how violent weather affects the environment and people.
Cover image of Storms


Describes the location, nature, development, measurement, and destructive effects of tornadoes, as well as how to stay out of danger from them.
Cover image of Tornadoes


Describes, in text and photographs, the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of various species of snakes.
Cover image of Snakes


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