Retells the adventures of a French professor and his two companions as they sail above and below the world's oceans as prisoners on the fabulous electric submarine of the deranged Captain Nemo.
A fictionalized account of the mysterious people and events that contributed to Jules Verne's writing of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"; presented in graphic novel form. Contains adult content.
Looks at the technology behind the development of modern day ships. Also examines the advances in weapons systems and the evolution of today's submarines.
Describes the history of submarines, how they work, the weapons they carry, and their uses in war and peace time. Includes a glossary and a list of submarines in service today and the countries they represent.
In 1941, Coast Guard patrolman Josh Thurlow, still struggling with guilt seventeen years after the disappearance of his younger brother, battles U-boats off the North Carolina coast unaware that one of the German captains may know his brother's whereabouts.
Examines the history of submarines in the U.S. Navy, describes their characteristics, looks at different types ofsubmarines, and discusses how they are used, their crews, and their future.
Photographs and text offer an introduction to submarines, labeling the different parts of a submarine, explaining what submarines are used for, describing how they work, and covering other related topics.
Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie deep into the sea, where they meet up with dolphins, sharks, and octopi as they search for the answer to an ancient riddle.