Animal life stories

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Life story of a butterfly

"This book tells the life story of a butterfly, using simple, concise text and stunning photographs. Read it to discover the unique life cycle and metamorphosis undergone by this fascinating insect as it changes from an egg to a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Life story of a butterfly

Life story of a frog

"This book tells the life story of a frog, using simple, text and photographs. Read it to discover the unique life cycle and metamorphosis undergone by this amphibian as it changes from an egg to a tadpole to a fully grown adult frog"--Provided by publisher.

Life story of a butterfly

"This book tells the life story of a butterfly, using simple, concise text and stunning photographs. Read it to discover the unique life cycle and metamorphosis undergone by this fascinating insect as it changes from an egg to a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly"--.

The mouse

Discusses the behavior, habitat, and natural enemies of mice.

The hedgehog

Describes the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of the hedgehog.

The penguin

Describes the appearance, behavior, life cycle, and enemies of the Emperor penguin.

The frog

Traces the growth of a tadpole into an adult frog and discusses the frog's environment and natural enemies.

The fox

Explains how the fox searches for food, defends itself, finds a mate, and rears its young.

The deer


The squirrel

Describes the habits and behavior of the red squirrel.


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