Embarking on her school's archaeological trip to Pompeii while obsessed with finding the mythical Vase of Venus Aurelia, Margot uses a diary written a century before as her guide, which leads to a romance that defies time and could lead to her ruin.
In Pompeii in AD 79, eleven-year-old slave boy Marcus runs away with his father, who has been sold to become a gladiator, and they escape to Vesuvius, only to return to the city the following morning to warn the inhabitants of the coming eruption.
Twelve-year-old Paulina is delivering bread to her new friend Fabia's home when the air begins to fill with smoke and ash. Mount Vesuvius is erupting! Fabia's father leaves to help fellow Pompeii residents evacuate, telling the girls to make their way to the port where they can board boats to escape. But Paulina cannot leave her family behind. The two girls make their way through the city, helping others where they can. Will they escape the volcano disaster and be reunited with their loved ones? In graphic novel format.
"Mount Vesuvius is ready to erupt, threatening to destroy the city of Pompeii and everyone who lives there. Will new friends Thalia and Felix be able to escape, or are they destined to be buried under rock and ash?"--Provided by publisher.
No one in Pompeii worries when the ground trembles, but Marcus knows something is terribly wrong. When Mount Vesuvius explodes into a cloud of fiery ash and rocks fall from the sky like rain, will he and his father have time to escape - and survive the epic destruction of Pompeii?.
The magic tree house takes Annie and Jack to Pompeii just as Vesuvius is about to erupt, and they must find a Roman scroll before everything is covered with burning ash.
Readers join the gang as they explore the ancient city, learn about the Romans who called Pompeii home, and discover what happened that fateful day that changed everything.