School is over and Kylie Jean and her cousin Lucy are going to summer camp for a week of fun, but a girl named Miley seems determined to spoil the experience for everyone, and Kylie decides to discover what her problem is.
Now reunited with her real family, eleven-year-old Fern goes to a camp to learn to practice the Anybody magic, where she unexpectedly faces the evil Mole, who has imprisoned the mysterious Nobodies in his factory basement.
Ziggy and the other members of the Black Dinosaurs go to Space Camp where they learn about the space program and speculate about the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
Although Avery cannot eat the right grub, is allergic to horses, and gets rope burns from lassos, he learns at camp that he is uniquely qualified in the most important cowboy quality.
When thirteen-year-old Tim Daniels gets a chance to go to basketball camp, he is faced with trying to be accepted by the popular players and remaining true to his friend who has become the butt of practical jokes.