Clark, John Owen Edward

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The Facts on File dictionary of earth science

Contains over three thousand alphabetically arranged entries that provide definitions of frequently used terms in Earth science; and includes more than one hundred line drawings, and cross-references.

Timelines of science and technology

Presents a series of time lines that note the dates and inventors of key events and discoveries in the history of science and technology from prehistory to 850 B.C., and features articles on some of the most important achievements, including making fire, the development of the wheel, and the construction of the pyramids, with photographs, illustrations, and maps.

Physics matters!

Explains several physical principles of matter, such as the behavior of liquids and the effects of cooling, providing color photos and diagrams, text boxes on notable physicists, and projects that require only everyday objects, as well as a glossary and a further reading list.

Seas and oceans

Discusses the formation of the world's oceans, their various layers, currents and waves, marine life, and other related topics. Includes projects.


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