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Queer history A to Z

100 years of LGBTQ+ activism
"This book for middle grade readers explores the history of queer activism in North America and the fight for equality for LGBTQ+ folks. The content is structured in an A-Z format, with such entries as "A Is for Activism" and "C Is for Coming Out." Readers will learn about the Stonewall Riots, Marsha P. Johnson, Indigenous queer activism, the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop, Pride flags and so much more--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Queer history A to Z

Threads of peace

how Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world
"A look at the lives of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. and how they were led to seek revolution through peace"--Provided by publisher.

Secrets of an undercover activist

"Alarm clocks going off in assembly? Yep, that was us. A stampede of guinea pigs? That's next on our list. But for me and my two best friends, it's not just about having fun. We prank to save our planet. Now there's a developer in town and we think the mayor is up to something. The adults won't listen. So, it's time to stage our biggest prank ever!"--Provided by publisher.

Indigenous peoples

women who made a difference
Introduces several female Indigenous political, cultural, and social leaders.

Girl activist

winning strategies from women who've made a difference
"[Collects] profiles of more than 40 . . . activists [that] offer valuable ideas for ways [readers] can use [their] voice, [their] energy, and [their] unique skills to make the world a better, kinder, more just place. Discover stories and strategies from icons like Rosa Parks and Jane Goodall, young newsmakers like Emma Gonz?lez and Jazz Jennings, and trailblazers like Billie Jean King and Malala Yousafzai"--Back cover.

Little Feminist

Book Set
Mudpuppy's Little Feminist Board Book Set is comprised of colorful illustrated portraits of real women who have made historical impact on the world. The Board Book Set includes 4 mini board books (Pioneers, Artists, Leaders, and Activists.).

Boosting Black voices with Marley Dias

Presents an illustrated look at the life of American activist and writer, Marley Dias.

I'm an activist

"Learn about people who have changed the world--and who are changing the world--by campaigning for peace, equality, conservation, and more"--Provided by publisher.

Native women changing their worlds

"Twelve biographies of Indigenous women who, as modern-day warriors, have infused their communities with strength and leadership. The women overcame unimaginable hardships--racial and gender discrimination, abuse, and extreme poverty--only to rise to great heights in the fields of politics, science, education, and community activism"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Native women changing their worlds

Amara and the bats

Amara loves bats, so when she learns there are none near her new home due to habitat loss, she overcomes her feelings of helplessness and inspires her community to take action. Includes facts about bats and bat houses.
Cover image of Amara and the bats


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