Numeroff, Laura Joffe

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What sisters do best

Celebrates all the wonderful things brothers and sisters can do together.

The best mouse cookie

Mouse bakes his own cookies in his little mouse house.

If you take a mouse to the movies

Taking a mouse to the movies can lead to letting him do other things, such as making a snowman, listening to Christmas carols, and decorating the Christmas tree.

If you give a mouse a cookie

Presents the story of a young boy who gives a cookie to a bossy mouse and is run ragged by the energetic rodent's subsequent requests, and includes visits to a bowling center and bowling ball factory, an interview with dominoes expert Bob Specka, and a review of similar books.

If you give a mouse a cookie

Relating the cycle of requests a mouse is likely to make after you give him a cookie takes the reader through a young child's day.

What sisters do best

what brothers do best
Presents back-to-back stories about sisters and brothers doing the same things for a younger sibling, each story arriving at the same conclusion that giving love is the best thing they both can do.

What puppies do best

Describes the many activities puppies enjoy, from wake-up kisses to goodnight kisses, before identifying what they do best.

What grandmas do best; What grandpas do best

One side of this upside-down book celebrates all of the things grandmas do for their grandchildren. Turning the book over and around produces a similar celebration of grandpas.

Why a disguise?

Relates how a disguise can be used to evade the school bully, Mom's lima beans, and other unpleasant things.

What sisters do best

Celebrates all the wonderful things brothers and sisters can do together.


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