Presents the official comic book adaptation of the film "Batman Begins," which chronicles Bruce Wayne's tragic past and his transformation into a crusader against injustice; and includes the version of his past from 1989's "Secret Origins of the World's Greatest Super-Heroes" and three more Batman tales.
When a mysterious batwoman arrives in Gotham City fighting crime without regard for the safety of innocents, Batman must solve the mystery of this new vigilante and convince her that they're on the same team.
Terry McGinnis, the new Batman, foils the Blight's attempt to steal some zeliconium and blow up the city, and, at the same time, discovers and aids a group of orphans living in the tunnels under the city.
Batman battles two villians when Firefly torches Bruce Wayne's chance to run a charity organization and Mr. Freeze is trying to steal the city's diamond supply.
Collects no. 655-658 and 663-666 of the comic "Batman" in which the Dark Knight decides to take care of a boy who Talia claims is his son, but questions the young man's intentions and upbringing.
Ten years after a deadly terrorist attack on Wayne Enterprises, Batman finds the person responsible in India, but, in the course of his search for vengeance, he is forced to question whether a mass murderer can change enough to warrant absolution.