Willems, Mo

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Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Once upon a time, there were three hungry Dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur, and a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway. One day, for no particular reason, they decided to tidy up their house, fluffing up the beds and preparing pudding of varying temperatures. And then, for no particular reason, they decided to go someplace else. They were definitely not setting a trap for some succulent, unsupervised little girl. Definitely not!

Naked Mole Rat gets dressed

Wilbur is different from the other Naked Mole Rats in his Colony, because he wears clothes (and he likes it!). But what will happen when Grand-pah, the oldest, wisest, and most-naked Naked Mole Rat ever discovers Wilbur?s secret? A gentle story about not quite fitting in and expressing one?s own individuality. Directed by Pete List with music by Scotty Huff and Robert Reynolds. Narrated by Trixie, Mo adn Cheryl Willems. Includes a behind-the-scenes look at creating the music with composers Scotty Huff and Robert Reynolds.

Don't let the pigeon drive the sleigh!

The pigeon really, really wants to drive the sleigh.

I really like slop!

"Piggie really likes slop. She likes it so much, she wants Gerald to try some! But can Gerald find the courage to do it? Or will the smell alone be too much to handle?"--.

The pigeon needs a bath book!

"The Pigeon is dirty and he needs a bath, but he won't go willingly"--Provided by publisher.

Vamos a dar una vuelta!

Elephant Gerald and Piggie want to go for a drive, but as Gerald thinks of one thing after another that they will have to take along, they come to realize that they lack the most important thing of all. Presented in Spanish.

?Dormir? la siesta!

Gerald is tired and cranky and wants to take a nap, but Piggie is not helping.

Don't let the pigeon drive the bus!

When the bus driver decides to take a break from driving, a wild and wacky pigeon pleads and begs to take his place, capturing the antics of a preschooler's temper tantrum.

Be the bus

the lost & profound wisdom of the Pigeon
"A collection of aphorisms from The Pigeon"--Provided by publisher.

?Me han invitado a una fiesta!

Piggie is invited to her first party and asks Gerald to come with her, but they can't decide what they should wear.


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