Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody

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My Penquin Osbert

When a boy finally gets exactly what he wants from Santa, he learns that owning a real penguin may not have been a good idea after all.

Shackleton's Lost Expedition

Describes the events of the 1914 Shackleton Antarctic expedition, when the ship the Endurance was crushed in a frozen sea and the men made the perilous journey across ice and stormy seas to reach inhabited land.

A taste of freedom

Gandhi and the great salt march
An old man in India recalls how, when he was a young boy, he got his first taste of freedom as he and his brother joined the great Muhatma Gandhi on a march to the sea to make salt in defiance of British law.

My penguin Osbert

When a boy finally gets exactly what he wants from Santa, he learns that owning a real penguin may not have been a good idea after all.

The jazzman's trumpet

a Kit mystery
Before Kit can write a news story about an upcoming sold-out jazz concert, sinister pranks threaten to cancel the show and Kit is falsely accused of stealing a valuable trumpet.

The boxtrolls

a novel

Secret of the mountain dog

An adventure-hungry girl and an enormous Tibetan mastiff share a journey in the Catskill Mountains, where a boy and his teacher seek to reopen an abandoned monastery to find a mysterious statue.

The Boxtrolls

A Novel
When the Boxtrolls are targeted by Archibald Snatcher, who is bent on eradicating them, the kindhearted band of trolls must turn to their adopted charge Eggs and rich girl Winnie to bridge two worlds.

A taste of freedom

Gandhi and the great salt march
An old man in India recalls how, when he was a young boy, he got his first taste of freedom as he and his brother joined the great Muhatma Gandhi on a march to the sea to make salt in defiance of British law.


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