Branley, Franklyn Mansfield

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Magellan explores our twin planet
Presents information on the planet Venus as reported by the space probe Magellan, including its topography, motions, and atmosphere, and explains theories about its origin and evolution. Illustrated with detailed radar photographs made by Magellan.

Rockets and satellites

Simple text with illustrations explains rockets and satellites and describes their capabilities and functions.

The end of the world

A scientific explanation of how, millions of years from now, the life of the Earth could conceivably end.

The beginning of the earth

Describes what might have happened when the earth began billions of years ago.


king of the gods, giant of the planets
Presents information accumulated about Jupiter through the centuries, including data collected by Pioneers I and II and Voyagers I and II, and some of the mythology surrounding this planet.

Think metric!

Describes how accurate standards of measurements were determined for time, length and width, volume, temperature, and weight with emphasis on the advantages of the metric system.

Mysteries of outer space

Discusses kinds of space, the sky in outer space, time in outer space, weightlessness, survival in space, uses of space, mining the asteroids, and the end of space.

Dinosaurs, asteroids, & superstars

why the dinosaurs disappeared
Discusses possible causes of the sudden extinction of dinosaurs at the close of the Cretaceous Period.

Color, from rainbows to lasers

Explains the basic composition of color, how it is created and used, and its psychological effects.

Shivers and goose bumps

how we keep warm
Describes how certain animals keep warm, how the human body loses and retains its heat, and how various types of clothing and dwellings aid in heat retention.


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