Klobuchar, Lisa

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The history and activities of the frontier

Describes daily life for pioneer families on the American frontier, and includes a recipe and three craft activities.
Cover image of The history and activities of the frontier

The history and activities of the frontier

Describes the history and activities on the American frontier in the mid-1800s and focuses on pioneers and the life they lived in log homes, and how women cooked on an open fire. Also discusses their simple clothing, children's playtime, and simple crafts. In addition provides recipes and instructions for creating lanterns, toys, and placemats.

Elizabeth Blackwell

with profiles of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Susan La Flesche Picotte
"A biography of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to obtain an M.D. degree in the United States, with profiles of two prominent individuals, who are associated through the influences they had on one another, the successes they achieved, or the goals they worked toward. Includes recommended readings and web sites"--Provided by publisher.

The history and activities of Native Americans

A collection of activities, crafts, recipes, timelines, maps, photographs, and historical information about Native American history.

The Iran-Contra affair

political scandal uncovered
Recounts the Iran-Contra affair of 1986 involving members of President Ronald Reagan's administration, Nicaraguan rebel forces known as Contras, and Iranians. Explores the events and people linked to the affair and covers the formal investigation and its findings. Features a timeline, glossary of terms, and resources.

United States in our world

"Describes the geography, landscape, economy, government, and culture of the United States of America today and discusses the USA's influence of and relations with the rest of the world"--Provided by publisher.

Third parties

influential political alternatives
A brief history of third party presidential candidates and their influence on American politics.

The history and activities of the wagon trail

Describes the early westward wagon trails and life for early pioneers, and contains instructions for making braided tack, a prairie schooner, and a buzz saw toy.


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