Wimmer, Teresa

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Brimming with photos and scientific facts, Wolves treats middle-grade researchers and wild animal lovers to a comprehensive zoological profile of this marvelous mammal. Includes sidebars, a range map, a glossary, and an American Indian wolf legend.


Brimming with photos and scientific facts, Snakes treats middle-grade researchers and wild animal lovers to a comprehensive zoological profile of this group of remarkable reptiles, including anacondas and vipers. Includes sidebars, a range map, a glossary, and an American Indian snake tale.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as the FBI, from its founding in 1908 to the controversies and challenges it faces today"--Provided by publisher.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as NASA, from its founding in 1958 to the controversies and challenges it faces today"--Provided by publisher.

Peace Corps

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as the Peace Corps, from its founding in 1961 to the controversies and challenges it faces today"--Provided by publisher.

Environmental Protection Agency

Briefly explores the origins and purpose of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which began in the 1970s with the task of cleaning up city air quality and today has grown into a nation-wide effort to reduce pollution everywhere.

Peace Corps

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as the Peace Corps, from its founding in 1961 to the controversies and challenges it faces today."--Provided by publisher.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as NASA, from its founding in 1958 to the controversies and challenges it faces today."--Provided by publisher.

Environmental Protection Agency

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as the EPA, from its founding in 1970 to the controversies and challenges it faces today."--Provided by publisher.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

"An in-depth look at the people and policies behind the government agency known as the FBI, from its founding in 1908 to the controversies and challenges it faces today"--Provided by publisher.


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