computer animation

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computer animation

Careers in digital animation

Provides an overview of various careers in the field of digital animation, with information on preparing for a career, choosing the best field, networking, and other related topics.

How video game designers use math

Looks at some of the many ways in which video game designers use math on a daily basis to customize settings, characters, and actions for the games they create.

Weird science

Movies can be weird. How does CGI and 3-D work? What's the purpose of sound effects? In this title, readers will explore the science behind the magic of movies. This high-interest series is written at a low readability to aid struggling readers. Educational sidebars include a science activity, a spotlight biography, fast facts, and an unsolved mystery! A table of contents, glossary of keywords, index, and author biography are included.
Cover image of Weird science

Coding activities for making animation and art in Scratch

Scratch is a visual, color-coded programming language that is useful for anyone who wants to learn programming basics. Using Scratch, budding programmers of almost any age or experience can learn to code animations, art, digital stories, music, and video games. Beginners will quickly see how easy and rewarding it can be to create digital art with a software langue. This informative book includes ten engaging activities to instruct readers to quickly start creating art and animation projects with Scratch. The instructions open the door for readers to explore Scratch on their own in more detail.

Weird science

"Movies can be weird. How does CGI and 3-D work? What's the purpose of sound effects? Readers will explore the science behind the magic of movies"--Provided by publisher.

Coding activities for making animation and art in Scratch

"Scratch is a visual, color-coded programming language that is useful for anyone who wants to learn programming basics. Using Scratch, budding programmers of almost any age or experience can learn to code animations, art, digital stories, music, and video games. . . This informative book includes ten . . . activities to instruct readers to quickly start creating art and animation projects with Scratch"--Provided by publisher.

Create an animation with Scratch

Build your Scratch skills by learning how to create cool animations! Try ready-made blocks of code to produce simple projects and use them as inspiration and models for your own ideas.

20-minute (or less) animation hacks

Coders can build their skill set with the book's step-by-step instructions and animation projects on the Vidcode platform. Start with stopmotion, add text and emoji, and finish with a few special effects!.

Careers in animation and comics

"There has never been a better time to have a career in animation and comic books. Jobs for web and visual effects animators, comic book artists, and even graphic novelists are opening up thanks to growing demand in industries tied to entertainment and the internet. What these jobs entail, what they pay, and future prospects are discussed along with insights from industry insiders" -- Amazon.


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