First Americans

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American Indians of the woodlands

Students will explore the history, culture, and legacy of the first People of the Woodlands, including the Iroquois, Cherokee, and Chippewa. Learn how these people adapted to the woodland environment using all its natural resources.

The Iroquois

General overview for young readers of Iroquois people.

American Indians of the woodlands

Students will explore the history, culture, and legacy of the first People of the Woodlands, including the Iroquois, Cherokee, and Chippewa. Learn how these people adapted to the woodland environment using all its natural resources.

The Iroquois

General overview for young readers of Iroquois people.

The Tlingit

Provides a brief overview of the Tlingit people, discussing their history, life in southeastern Alaska, beliefs, and practices.

The Iroquois

General overview for young readers of Iroquois people.

People of the Woodlands

Describes the history and customs of the prehistoric Woodland Indians. Describes the daily life and native traditions of these Indians of North America who inhabited the eastern United States and Canada. Shows how they hunted for food, harvested crops, built wigwams, and lived in villages as a tribe. Emphasizes the importance of family and cultural heritage to the Native American people.

The Iroquois

Describes the history, beliefs, and traditional and contemporary daily lives of the Iroquois people and includes a recipe, time line, glossary, and list of further resources.

The Wampanoag

An introduction to the Wampanoag Indians that discusses their history, lifestyle, and beliefs.

The Sioux

Explores the history, daily life, traditions, and beliefs of the American Sioux.


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