upside-down books

upside-down books

The hug

A story in which a hedgehog and a tortoise are looking for a hug.

On my mountain

"Both the perspective of the wolf and the shepherd [who live on the mountain] are seen in this flippable picture book"--Provided by publisher.

The mirror in mommy's house

The mirror in daddy's house
"A child growing up with divorced parents shows [the reader] both houses"--Amazon.

Ash & Pikachu

Alola region
A guide to the Pokemon of the Alola region, featuring facts and figures on the Pokemon and inside information on moves, types, and evolutions.
Cover image of Ash & Pikachu

Little bro, big sis

A sister and brother are bothered by one another until they realize that two siblings might be okay after all.
Cover image of Little bro, big sis

Where are you from?

Oviparous animals. Where are you from? : viviparous animals
Text and illustrations look at two different types of animal births.
Cover image of Where are you from?

Up in the air!

Two stories in which the PAW patrol dogs save airplane with a broken wing and a baby octopus who has lost its mother.
Cover image of Up in the air!

Mulan is loyal

"When Princess Mulan's friend goes missing, she'll do anything she can to help. Princess Merida ... shows how brave she can be when her brother is in trouble"--Amazon.

Ariel is fearless

"Princess Ariel... needs to get medicine for her sister, but it can only be found in a deep, dark part of the sea. Princess Jasmine ... wants to help the people of her kingdom, but her father and Jafar want her to stay within the palace walls and be a proper princess instead"--Amazon.

Preparing a resume

"Preparing a Resume" teaches the reader about writing a resume, and "Not Her Job" is a story about a high school student who lies on her resume in order to get a job.


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