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"Vibrant photos and carefully leveled text take beginning readers on a trip to the sun exploring its composition, features, and place in the solar system. Includes picture glossary and index."--.
Cover image of Sun

The Sun

"Introduces the reader to the sun"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The Sun

Exploring the Sun

Learn about the features that define the sun.

Science fair projects about the sun and the moon

"Using materials they can find in their home, students can start to learn the facts about our sun and moon, including how to get the time or direction by looking at the sun, the colors in sunlight, and why the moon's appearance changes during the month. Each activity is followed by an explanation section to discuss the science concepts that were covered in the experiment"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Science fair projects about the sun and the moon

Here comes the sun

Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the sun.
Cover image of Here comes the sun

The sun

"Describes the characteristics of the Sun and its place in the solar system"--.
Cover image of The sun

Today is a sunny day

Simple text and illustrations examine a sunny day, discussing what you can see and what you can do.
Cover image of Today is a sunny day

Exploring the Sun

Text and color illustrations introduce young children to the Sun, the star at the center of the solar system.
Cover image of Exploring the Sun

The sun is kind of a big deal

"The Sun never stops working to keep things on Earth running smoothly. (That's why it's been Employee of the Month for 4.5 billion years.) So why does the Sun get to be center of attention? Because it's our solar system's very own star! This funny and factual picture book from Awkward Yeti creator Nick Seluk explains every part of the Sun's big job: keeping our solar system together, giving Earth day and night, keeping us warm, and more. In fact, the Sun does so much for us that we wouldn't be alive without it. That's kind of a big deal. Each spread features bite-sized text and comic-style art with sidebars sprinkled throughout. Anthropomorphized planets (and Pluto) chime in with commentary as readers learn about the Sun."--.
Cover image of The sun is kind of a big deal

A closer look at the sun and stars

Provides information about what stars are, the source of their light, the constellations, Polaris, why stars appear to move, the characteristics of the sun, the greenhouse effect, and photosynthesis.


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