I can read it all by myself

Compare Series: 

Green eggs and ham


Fred and Ted's road trip

Dogs Fred and Ted pack up their cars and go on a road trip, and their different ways of doing things have interesting results.

The Berenstain Bears

that stump must go!
Papa Bear is determined to remove a hazardous tree stump from the front yard no matter what it takes.

A fish out of water

When a little boy overfeeds his new pet goldfish, the fish grows to be quite a problem, and only the pet shop owner can save the day.

The big green book of beginner books

An illustrated collection of six books by Dr. Seuss for beginning readers, including "Great Day for Up," and "Wacky Wednesday.".

The digging-est dog

Scorned by his new dog friends because he never learned to dig, Sam suddenly discovers his inherent dog talent and turns the countryside into a series of ruts and holes.

Honey Bunny Funnybunny

Honey Bunny Funnybunny feels that something is missing when her bothersome big brother finally stops teasing her.

The bears' vacation

While on vacation, Papa Bear shows Small Bear how to play safely, with some interesting and humorous results.

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

After he gets lost when his kite flies off with him still clutching the rope,Elmo has a great adventure and meets many animals as he searches for his way back to Sesame Street.

Green eggs and ham

In verse, Sam-I-am tries to persuade a reluctant acquaintance to partake of his favorite foods--green eggs and ham.


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