jewish children in the holocaust

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jewish children in the holocaust

Anne frank

In 1942, a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank received a diary from her parents for her thirteenth birthday. Today, millions of people have read the compelling, heartfelt diary entries Frank recorded while living in hiding to escape Nazi persecution.
Cover image of Anne frank

Living and dying in Nazi concentration camps

Readers will learn of the horrors of the gas chambers, which could kill hundreds at once, the countless crematoria for burning dead bodies, and the horrific experiments of the infamous Joseph Mengele.

Children in the Holocaust

Presents true accounts of children who lived during the Holocaust.

Anne Frank

"Presents information about Anne Frank, including her childhood in Holland, her years in hiding, her death, and her legacy"--OCLC.

Surviving the angel of death

the story of a Mengele twin in Auschwitz
Eva Mozes Kor details the experiences she shared with her twin sister Miriam when they were sent to Auschwitz as children and were forced to endure medical experiments and other horrors under the care of Josef Mengele.

Anne Frank

get to know the girl beyond her diary
Presents a brief biography of Anne Frank who shortly after her thirteenth birthday was forced into hiding with her family, as the German Nazis were rounding up Jewish people and killing them or sending them to work in horrible camps.
Cover image of Anne Frank

The promise

a story of two sisters, prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp
Tells the true story of how sisters Rachel and Toby survived the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Cover image of The promise

The boy on the wooden box

how the impossible became possible--- on Schindler's list
Leon Leyson describes growing up in Poland, being forced from home to ghetto to concentration camps by the Nazis, and being saved by Oskar Schindler.

Anne Frank

Una luz en la oscuridad
An examination of the life of Anne Frank and the time in which she lived.
Cover image of Anne Frank

Anne Frank's diary

the graphic adaptation
A comic adaptation of the diary penned by Anne Frank, a girl whose family was in hiding from the Nazis.
Cover image of Anne Frank's diary


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