chick lit

chick lit

How to find love in the little things

Julia Rimini has got a great job as a psychologist and when she met her fiance Marc seven years ago, she knew he was The One. But when Julia's father dies suddenly, her whole world begins to unravel. Marc turns distant and cold, leaving Julia to navigate her grief alone. Then she loses her grandmother, her beloved 'Maminou', too. Sleeping on her best friend's sofa and leafing through endless self-help books, Julia's not exactly where she hoped she'd be at thirty-two. Something has to give. She has to get out of Paris - and fast. Then, a lifeline. Julia accepts a job in a retirement home in Biarritz - her home town. She'll tell no one she's there, not even her mother or sister, despite them now being just round the corner. It's the best establishment in the area, boasting ocean views, sun-drenched days and Basque country living. It will be her refuge. Except Julia isn't the biggest fan of old people. Little does Julia know that this place is home to far more than just stooped backs, pureed vegetables and incontinence pants. Behind its double doors lie broken hearts, lifelong secrets, a budding romance or two and an unflinching zest for life. And Raphael, the grandson of the newest resident, isn't looking all bad, either ...

After the party

a novel
Jem and Ralph thought they would be in love forever, but as children, careers, and the hassles of day-to-day life get in their way, they find themselves drifting apart, until they realize they have to fight to save their relationship or accept its inevitable failure.

How to be single

a novel
Single thirty-eight-year-old book publicist Julie Jenson sets out on a trip around the world to try and figure out how women from different cultures deal with the dysfunction and disappointments of being single.

Semi-charmed life

"In Nora Zelevansky's hilarious debut, Semi-Charmed Life, an Upper West Side na?if, Beatrice Bernstein, gets swept up in the seeming magical life of socialite Veruca Pfeffernoose, while ghost writing her blog. Veruca's glitteringly opulent world soon seduces Beatrice away from her own insular, arty family with a promise of fancy parties, travel outside Manhattan (gasp!), and one desperately cute guy. But when her new glitzy lifestyle starts to take on dark undertones, Beatrice has to decide who she is--once and for all. With her own magical touch, Zelevansky deftly explores the world of rarified Manhattan in this sparkling modern fairy tale of first love, finding one's voice and growing up. "--.
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