Clarke, Jane

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Logan the puppy

"All the little animals are excited to go for a swim in Thistletown's new pool. But Dr. KittyCat soon gets an urgent call-Logan the puppy has hurt himself and needs her help. Fortunately for Logan, she and her trusty assistant, Peanut are ready to rescue!"--Back cover.
Cover image of Logan the puppy

Pumpkin the hamster

"Pumpkin the hamster is very excited to be joining Dr KittyCat's stargazing outing. When he trips over [something], Peanut the mouse thinks it's just because of the dark. But then Pumpkin can't see the stars through the telescope, either. Perhaps Pumpkin needs a pair of glasses? It's time for Dr KittyCat to investigate"--.
Cover image of Pumpkin the hamster

Old Macdonald's things that go

"Old MacDonald and his farm animal friends introduce the numerous vehicles that are on the farm, from bicycles and tractors to buses, boats, and airplanes"--OCLC.

Pumpkin the hamster

"Pumpkin the hamster is taking part in a first-aid class at Dr. KittyCat's office. He has trouble following instructions and keeps tripping over his classmates. Is there something wrong with his eyes? Fortunately for Pumpkin, Dr. KittyCat is on the case!"--Back cover.

Nutmeg the guinea pig

"Nutmeg is celebrating her birthday with a very special picnic in the park. But when she starts to feel dizzy, the festivities have to stop. Luckily, Dr. Kitty Cat and Peanut are close at hand to help, so hopefully Nutmeg can have a happy birthday after all!"--Back cover.

Willow the Duckling

"All the little animals of Thistletown are putting on a show. Dr. KittyCat is on hand to make sure everyone stays safe"--Back cover.

Daisy the kitten

Dr KittyCat is always ready with her furry first aid! In Daisy the Kitten, the little animals are taking part in a bake-off when Daisy suddenly complains of a sore mouth and paws. Dr KittyCat and Peanut have to keep their cool to solve the problem of Daisy's painful mouth and make her better so that she can put the finishing touches to her cupcakes and be in with a chance of winning the bake-off.

Clover the bunny

"Clover the bunny can't wait to go on his first camping trip. But when Clover gets sick, Dr. KittyCat has to hop to it. Only she knows how to make him better in time for s'mores and campfire stories! "--Back cover.

Who woke the baby?

It's early in the morning, and Little Gorilla is not happy. Someone has woken him up, but who was it? Was it Zebra or Crocodile or Lion or Hippopotamus?.


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