Ultimate animal defenses

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Tooth and nail

deadly jaws and claws
Plenty of predators use their monstrous jaws and piercing claws to attack their prey, but many creatures wield these adaptations as defensive mechanisms, too. Readers may be surprised that an animal as cute as the red panda can fiercely protect itself from a snow leopard and that there's a kind of frog that can jab its version of a bony claw through its skin. Every animal needs to have some kind of weapon if they want to survive in a wild world. Illustrative photographs, fun fact boxes, and a concluding graphic organizer support and enhance this high-interest volume.

Super skin

spines, quills, and plates
Describes different adaptations found on the skin of animals such as spines, quills, and plates. Illustrates these adaptations and the animals who use them for protection and survival in both hot and cold habitats.

Fast and formidable animals

Pronghorn, kangaroos, rhinos, and ostriches all have something in common: speed. They're not only fast, but they're fast enough to outrun their predators. This crucial adaptation has enabled them to survive in their various habitats amongst ferocious animals that seek to consume them. Readers will love reading about the swift beasts in this book and how they thwart their enemies. Key science concepts, such as adaptations and habitats, are interwoven into the text. Action photographs in the wild, a graphic organizer, and fact boxes are highlights of this engagingly designed volume.

Deadly animal poisons

Many animal species have developed a deadly adaptation to thwart their predators: poison. Some infamous spiders and snakes are feared, and rightly so, for their toxic defenses. However, many other animals are just as deadly. In this fascinating volume, readers will find out the difference between poison and venom. Theyll learn about several creatures and the toxins they use to survive in the wild, such as the pufferfish, the poison dart frog, the cone snail, and the blue-ringed octopus. Beautiful color photographs, a graphic organizer, and fact boxes with stunning information augment this exciting volume.

Animals undercover

Nature is tricky, and the animals in this book prove it. Camouflage is a remarkable adaptation that manifests itself through coloring, shape, and movement. This entertaining and informative text explains the different forms of camouflage that animals employ to survive in their environments. Arctic hares, octopuses, penguins, praying mantises, polar bears, and zebras are some of the high-interest animals in disguise in this volume packed with essential science concepts and bright photographs.

Grossest animal tricks

Stenches, slime, excrement, and vomit are all gross, and very effective, animal defenses. A dog that has been sprayed by a skunk will rarely want to approach the furry animal again. The seabird called the fulmar spews a stinky vomit powerful enough to cause a bird to drown. These are just two of the creatures in the spotlight of this entertaining volume. Readers will learn just how powerful defensive adaptations can be against even the deadliest predators. Essential science vocabulary, demonstrative photographs, and surprising fact boxes augment this books motivating and educational content.
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