Spirit, Opportunity, and the exploration of the red planet
Squyres, Steven W
Steve Squyres provides an account of the Mars Exploration Rover mission for which he served as principal scientist, discussing the challenges involved in the design and construction of the two rovers "Spirit" and "Opportunity," and sharing the excitement he and others at Jet Propulsion Laboratory felt when the vehicles began relaying information about the Red Planet.
Six genetically enhanced children, abandoned on the colony planet of Fremont, a wild and dangerous place, must either find a way to live in a society that abhors genetic engineering or find a way off the planet--a quest aided by a small, long deserted, silver space ship.
An illustrated introduction to the history of space vehicles, including launching rockets, space shuttles, planetary probes, manned spacecraft, lunar explorers, space stations, and future craft.
The reader is taken aboard a space cruiser to research two different planets and can choose between alternative adventures, each leading to forty-two possible endings.
Describes the history, design and construction, and components of spacecrafts, including Apollo 11, satellites, the Mars Pathfinder, the International Space Station, and many others.
Roberto and his dad, who speaks in Spanish when he gets upset, go on an adventure when Roberto builds a ship using his father's lucky chair, which his typically used for watching New York Yankee baseball games.