chicago (ill.)

Geographic Name
chicago (ill.)

Star crossed

Sixteen-year-old Christy, living with her reformed hippy parents in Chicago, has her belief in astrology strongly reinforced when, on a visit to the plastic surgeon to have the tattooed name of her former boyfriend, Benjamin, removed from her chest, she meets the very attractive Ben, who is having a tattoo of the name "Christy" removed from his arm.

The worst of times

Twelve-year-old Petey Williamson, secure in the knowledge that his father has a job, learns that things can change very quickly when the Depression hits and his family begins sliding into poverty.

The jazz kid

Playing the cornet is the first thing that twelve-year-old Paulie Horvath has taken seriously, but his obsession with becoming a jazz musician leads him into conflict with his parents and into the tough underworld of Chicago in the 1920s.

Chicago fire

An account of the fire that raged for twenty-four hours over much of Chicago in October 1871, destroying property and homes and killing at least 300 people.

Harold Washington

mayor with a vision
Follows the life and career of Chicago's first African-American mayor, assessing his impact as lawyer, state representative,state senator, mayor, and national leader.

The Sears Tower

Discusses the building of the Sears Tower from its design to its status as a Chicago landmark tourist attraction.

Michelle Obama

first lady & role model
A biography of Michelle Obama, discussing her childhood, education, legal career, marriage to Barack Obama, and role as first lady of the United States.

Surviving the Great Chicago Fire

Provides, through the story of a firefighter and his family, a brief description of the 1871 Chicago fire that killed over three hundred people and left over one hundred thousand people homeless, and its aftermath.

The night I disappeared

Since moving to Chicago, seventeen-year-old Jamie Tessman has been plagued by mind-slips and vivid daydreams about her best friend Webb. When her daydreams begin blocking out reality, her mother, and her new friend Morgan see that she gets help from Morgan's psychiatrist aunt.

Michelle Obama

A brief biography of Michelle Obama, the wife of the forty-fourth President of the United States, and profiles her childhood, education, and the events that led her to the White House.


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