chicago (ill.)

Geographic Name
chicago (ill.)

Hold fast

On a cold winter day in Chicago, Early's father disappeared, and now she, her mother and her brother have been forced to flee their apartment and join the ranks of the homeless--and it is up to Early to hold her family together and solve the mystery surrounding her father.

Cat Girl's day off

High schooler Natalie Ng has always kept secret her talent for talking with cats, but when she learns--from a cat--that a celebrity has been replaced by an imposter, she and her friends investigate by becoming movie extras.

angel in my pocket

When seventh-grader Bette finds an angel coin she puts it in her pocket and forgets it but soon the mysterious and kind Gabby moves into her building and helps her face her major losses, and then the coin connects her with three classmates who all find new ways to believe in themselves.

Sahara special

Struggling with school and her feelings since her father left, Sahara gets a fresh start with a new and unique teacher who supports her writing talents and the individuality of each of her classmates.

The jungle

A graphic novel adaptation of Upton Sinclair's novel in which a young Lithuanian immigrant, hoping to create a good life for himself and his family in the early 1900s, is discouraged by the shocking conditions he encounters as a worker in the Chicago stockyards.

Cuckoo feathers

When two pigeons that Sarah wants as pets move from her Chicago apartment's window ledge to the building next door, Sarah tries to figure out how to get them to come back.

Willie and the All-Stars

Willie, a boy growing up on the north side of Chicago in 1942, is disheartened when a neighbor tells him his skin color prohibits him from ever realizing his dream of playing professional baseball, but his hopes are revived when he sees an exhibition game at Wrigley Field between an astonishing Negro League team and players from the Major Leagues.

My Grandma, major-league slugger

When magic enables Zack's eighty-eight-year-old grandmother to become a terrific batter, she ends up playing in a Chicago White Sox baseball game.

Sara's city

A young girl describes some of her experiences growing up in Chicago in 1940.


Introduces the city of Chicago, both past and present, describing neighborhoods, attractions, and festivals.


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