Presents a summary of "A Raisin in the Sun" along with character lists, plot discussions, historical context of the work, an author biography, study questions, and essay topic suggestions, with illustrations.
Contains critical commentary and a brief synopsis of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" which describes the adventures of Jay Gatsby as he tries to win back the woman he loved and lost.
Presents a study guide to the Kurt Vonnegut Jr. book, "Slaughterhouse Five," and includes a summary and analysis of each chapter, study questions, and sample outlines for papers and reports.
Guide to examining F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, "The Great Gatsby." Includes a plot overview, character list; analysis of major characters; discussion of theme, motifs, and symbols; and study questions and essay topics.
Contains plot summaries and character lists for two novels by Stephen Crane, including "Maggie: A Girl of the Streets," and "The Red Badge of Courage," each with a selection of critical essays; and includes biographical information about the author.
Contains plot summaries and character lists for two novels by Stendhal, including "The Red and the Black," and "The Charterhouse of Parma," each with a selection of critical essays; and includes biographical information about the author.
Contains plot summaries and character lists for three works by Marcel Proust, including "In Search of Lost Time," "Swann's Way," and "Cities of the Plain," each with a selection of critical essays; and includes biographical information about the author.