
Topical Term

What happens in winter?

Text and photographs introduce winter, discussing the weather of the season as well as common sights, such as kids playing hockey and snow falling.
Cover image of What happens in winter?

What happens in fall?

Text and photographs introduce fall, discussing the weather of the season as well as common sights, such as pumpkins and leaves changing color.
Cover image of What happens in fall?

Sunshine makes the seasons

Describes how sunshine and the tilt of the earth's axis are responsible for the changing seasons.
Cover image of Sunshine makes the seasons

When Spring Comes

A book of signs of Spring.
Cover image of When Spring Comes


the seasons of the Sioux
A young Dakota Indian boy describes the changes that come both in nature and in the life of his people with each new moon of the Sioux year.
Cover image of Moonstick

The weather and us

Describes and presents color photos of the different types of climates. Also provides a glossary and a list of further resources.
Cover image of The weather and us

What if the polar ice caps melted?

Discusses the environmental effects of the melting of the polar ice caps.
Cover image of What if the polar ice caps melted?

It's fall!

A child observes the many changes that occur in nature with the coming of the fall season. Includes suggested activities.
Cover image of It's fall!

Climate change catastrophe

Examines some of the negative effects of human activity on the planet, focusing on climate change, with discussion of the causes and impact of it and a look at sustainable solutions.

This year's garden

Follows the seasons of the year as reflected in the growth, life, and death of the garden of a large rural family.


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