left- and right-handedness

Topical Term
left- and right-handedness

Anya's secret society

Born in Russia, where left-handers are frowned upon, Anya learns to use her right hand, except when she draws with her imagined secret society of famous artists--then when she moves to America, everything is different.
Cover image of Anya's secret society

Not-so-lucky Lefty

"Left-handers are creative. Left-handers are geniuses. Half of all cats are lefties! Or so says Stink. But Judy is a righty, and Judy is feeling left out. Tomorrow is Left Handers Day, and Stink and Dad, the southpaws in the Moody family, are celebrating with a trip to the pretzel factory. Judy is allowed to come along on one condition: she has to be left-handed the whole entire day. It's on!"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Not-so-lucky Lefty

The natural superiority of the left-hander

A humorous account de-mystifying dominant-handedness while dispensing some interesting biological facts about it (how it's a recessive gene, for example.) It's filled with humorous drawings and fun factoids (did you know that Gerald Ford writes left-handed sitting down, and right-handed standing up?) that anyone -- not just a lefty -- will appreciate. As an added bonus, it succeeds in its goal to provide a good source of self-esteem for lefties who feel left-out.

The story of your hand

Describes the anatomy of the hand and discusses the many things hands can do, how left- or right-handedness is developed, and how gestures are used in communication.

Emily's pictures

Emily would like to be able to draw, but her trees look like mashed potatoes and her houses like ketchup bottles until she tries something different.

Your left-handed child

making things easy for left-handers in a right-handed world
Presents advice for raising left-handed children people at home and in school in a world oriented toward right-handed people, so that children can grow up confident and capable in tasks such as getting dressed, playing instruments, writing, and handling tools.

Loving lefties

how to raise your left-handed child in a right-handed world
Addresses all the issues left-handed children face in a right-handed world, providing information on recognizing left-handedness in a child, making home and school lefty-friendly, giving a child appropriate direction and enouragement, identifying the advantages of being left-handed, and helping a child learn basic skills which right-handed people find simple.

The left-handed book

Discusses the history, frequency, and causes of left-handedness, cites famous people who are left-handed, and examines the lore about "lefties" and many of the problems they face.

The left-hander's world

Explores the physical origins of left-handedness and the special problems left-handers have in a predominantly right-handed world.


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