winter sports

Topical Term
winter sports

Lucy tries short track

Lucy and her friends lace up their skates and try short track speed skating.

Downhill skiing

A very simple introduction to the sport of downhill skiing, the equipment used, and how it is done.

Cross-country skiing

A very simple introduction to the sport of cross-country skiing, the equipment used, and how it is done.


Snowmobiling has become popular today in North America, particularly with families. It encompasses a variety of styles, including on-trail riding, cross-country riding off trails, boon docking in regions of forests, and hill climbing in mountainous areas. Snowmobile clubs build, maintain, and map new trails. Readers learn about creating a snow plan so that others know where to look if there are any problems while snowmobiling. This informative volume examines the history of the snowmobile as well as the proper riding gear, accessories, and equipment that are required for the sport. Safety rules and trail signing are also described.

Extreme snow skiing

Extreme Snow Skiing presents the thrills and spills of this most intriguing extreme sport.

Parker Penguin and the Winter Games

Even though his team is the worst in the school, Parker Penguin cares only about winning the Winter Games until his father shows him that winning isn't everything.

Toronto Maple Leafs

This book provides information about the Toronto Maple Leafs, looking at the arena, equipment, uniforms and describes memorable players, plays, games, and moments in the history of the team.

Philadelphia Flyers

This books takes an inside look into the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team. Learn about their history, arena, equipment, uniforms, and players.

Ottawa Senators

This books takes an inside look into the Ottawa Senators hockey team. Learn about their history, arena, equipment, uniforms, and players.

Hockey's greatest records

Readers learn about the stories behind hockey’s most impressive records, such as most career points and most shutouts.


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