
Topical Term

Odd, weird, & little

Befriending a very strange new student, Toulouse, helps outsider Woodrow stand up to the class bullies who have been picking on them both.

EllRay Jakes is not a chicken!

Eight-year-old EllRay Jakes's attempts to defend himself against the class bully always end up getting him in trouble, but he promises to do his best when his dad offers to take him to Disneyland if he can be good for an entire week--which may be a few days too long.

My dog's a scaredy-cat

a Halloween tail
Hank Zipzer has come up with a unique Halloween costume for the parade, but his friends think his idea is a little over the top.

The revenge of the McNasty brothers

As Melvin and Candace continue their crime-fighting work as superheros, the McNasty Brothers, the McNasty Sisters, and the school bullies all plot to get even with them.

Ruby and Bubbles

Ruby's best friend, her pet bird Bubbles, helps her deal with two bullying girls.

Dealing with bullying

Describes what is meant by bullying; then goes on to explain why bullies act as they do, how to deal with them, and how to stop being one.

Trading places with Tank Talbott

Jason, who would rather work on his horror movie screenplay than learn to swim, finds an unlikely ally in Tank, the class bully, who is being forced to take ballroom dance lessons.

How Spider saved Halloween

Fly and Ladybug's squashed Jack-o'lantern helps Spider think of a costume that saves Halloween from disaster.

Hands are not for hurting

A young boy learns about how his hands can be helpful and not hurtful.
Cover image of Hands are not for hurting

Wolf Hollow

a novel
Twelve-year-old Annabelle must learn to stand up for what's right in the face of a manipulative and violent new bully who targets people Annabelle cares about, including a homeless World War I veteran.


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