sudanese americans

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sudanese americans

My name is Sangoel

As a refugee from Sudan to the United States, Sangoel is frustrated that no one can pronounce his name correctly until he finds a clever way to solve the problem.

My name is Sangoel

Sangoel, who is proud of his rich African heritage, moves to America, and when nobody there can pronounce his name correctly, he fears he will lose his identity.

The good braider

a novel
Follows Viola as she survives brutality in war-torn Sudan, makes a perilous journey, lives as a refugee in Egypt, and finally reaches Portland, Maine, where her quest for freedom and security is hampered by memories of past horrors and the traditions her mother and other Sudanese adults hold dear. Includes historical facts and a map of Sudan.

The good braider

a novel
Follows Viola as she survives brutality in war-torn Sudan, makes a perilous journey, lives as a refugee in Egypt, and finally reaches Portland, Maine, where her quest for freedom and security is hampered by memories of past horrors and the traditions her mother and other Sudanese adults hold dear. Includes historical facts and a map of Sudan.

My name is Sangoel

Sangoel, who is proud of his rich African heritage, moves to America, and when nobody there can pronounce his name correctly, he fears he will lose his identity.

A Sudanese family

Relates the experiences of a family that came to Atlanta, Georgia as refugees from a small farming village in the African country of Sudan.

Escape from slavery

the true story of my ten years in captivity-- and my journey to freedom in America
Francis Bok describes his experiences after being kidnapped in 1986 at age seven from his village in southern Sudan and taken to live as a slave for wealthy Muslim farmers, and tells about his escape ten years later, his attempts to discover what happened to his family, and his eventual move to America.
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