
Topical Term

Heart of darkness

and, The secret sharer
"Heart of Darkness" tells of a powerful European, Kurtz, who reverts to awful savagery in an isolated native trading post. "The Secret Sharer" describes the conflict of a young captain torn between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer.

Between heaven and Ground Zero

Leslie Haskin recounts her escape from the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and explains how the terrorist attacks gave her a second chance at life and helped teach her what is truly important.

Little pieces of light

darkness and personal growth
Little Pieces of Light...Darkness and Personal Growth, a hope-filled book, offers both courage and solace. It reaches into the human heart, encouraging the reader to approach painful, inner darkness as a help for rather than a hindrance to personal growth. In a culture that pushes away darkness, this book carries a radical message: Darkness, a womb of silent nurturing, is where one waits patiently for the stirrings of new life to develop. This small but powerful volume reminds all who live in a world with much darkness that there is a strong light within the self and within others that will serve as a comfort and guide along a sometimes bleak and barren journey of life.

Living with sickness

a struggle toward meaning
On the surface Susan Saint Sing is "the picture of health." Inside she has known enough pain and suffering to fill a book- and fill it with compassion for readers who share her "struggle toward meaning." Living with Sickness will, for many, soften the blow of that heavy "hammer" called sickness. This book can help healing happen and let understanding begin.

Heart of darkness

an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism

Heart of darkness

and selected short fiction
Contains "Heart of Darkness" in which an English trading company sends a sea captain to find a renegade trader who has become mad with greed and power over the natives in the Congo; and includes other short stories, an introduction to author, questions, and suggestions for further reading.

You'll get through this

hope and help for your turbulent times
Guides the suffering through difficult times in an exploration of the story of Joseph and his brothers and the truth of Genesis 50:20, in which God does not promise that trials will be quick or painless.

Heart of darkness & selections from The Congo diary

Reprints the 1902 novel about Marlow, a seaman who undertakes a journey into the African jungle to find tormented white trader Kurtz; features excerpts from the diary kept by the author during his travels in the Belgian Congo in 1890; and includes a selection of critical commentary.


A translation of twentieth-century Japanese author Shusaku Endo's novel about a seventeenth-century Portuguese priest who faces persecution in Japan.


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