Alvarez, Carlos

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UH-60 Black Hawks

"Amazing photography accompanies engaging information about UH-60 Black Hawks. The combination of high-interest subject matter and light text is intended for students in grades 3 through 7"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of UH-60 Black Hawks

Arleigh Burke destroyers

"Amazing photography accompanies engaging information about Arleigh Burke destroyers."--Provided by publisher.


Describes the Stryker, the eight-wheeled armored combat vehicle used by the United States, including information about its origin, use, and features.

MH-53E Sea Dragons

Describes the MH-53E Sea Dragon, a helicopter used by the United States military to seek out and destroy underwater mines, including information about its origin, features, and missions.


Provides an overview of AC-130 ground-attack aircraft, describing how it is used in combat, what it looks like, and how it works.

AH-1W Super Cobras

Photographs and text provide information about the AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopter used by the United States Marine Corps, discussing its capabilities, weapons, features, and missions.

CH-46 Sea Knights

Photographs and text provide information on the CH-46 Sea Knights, discussing the helicopter's military uses, features, and appearance.

V-22 Ospreys

Photographs and text explain the technology and capabilities of the V-22 Osprey, and describes how the United States Air Force uses these aircrafts in military operations.

Ticonderoga cruisers

Photographs and text explain the technology and capabilities of a Ticonderoga cruiser, and describes how the United States Navy uses these ships in military operations.

AH-6 Little Birds

Photographs and text provide information on the AH-6 Little Birds, discussing the helicopter's military uses, features, and appearance. n.


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