Earth SOS

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Waste disposal

Examines the different kinds of waste, from household trash to industrial waste, describing where it goes and how it affects the environment.

Saving wildlife

An illustrated introduction to biodiversity, describing threats against animal species that live in varying habitats--including the rain forest, open ocean, and frozen places--and the importance of wildlife conservation.

Ozone hole

Explains what the ozone layer of the atmosphere is, what destroys it, how it is measured, how this depletion affects humans and life on earth, and what can be done to save it.

Water for everyone

Examines environmental problems and solutions in a child friendly way concerning water for everyone. Text supported by facts, figures, case studies and activity boxes.

Rain forests in danger

Examines environmental problems and solutions in a child friendly way concerning rain forests that are in danger. Text supported by facts, figures, case studies and activity boxes.

Food for everyone

Examines environmental problems and solutions in a child friendly way concerning having enough food for everyone. Text supported by facts, figures, case studies and activity boxes.

Climate change

Examines environmental problems and solutions in a child friendly way concerning the climate change. Text supported by facts, figures, case studies and activity boxes.

Acid rain

Explains how acid rain forms; describes what it does to trees, lakes, stone, and people; and discusses solutions to the problem.
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