environmental ethics

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environmental ethics


"Waste. We spend a great deal of energy trying to avoid it, but once you train your eyes to look for it, you'll see it all around you-in your home, your business, and your everyday life. In Wasted, futurist Byron Reese and entrepreneur Scott Hoffman take readers on a fascinating journey through this modern world of waste, drawing on science, economics, and human behavior to envision what a world with far less of it-or none of it at all-might look like. Along the way, they explore thought-provoking issues such as why the United States got a higher proportion of its energy from renewable sources in 1950 than it does today whether the amount of gold in unused consumer electronics can be mined for profit how switching to water fountains on a single flight from Singapore to Newark could prevent the use of 3,400 plastic bottles whether the amount of money you save buying goods in bulk is offset by the amount you lose when some spoil Ultimately, the question of reducing waste is scientific, philosophical, and, most of all, complex. According to Reese and Hoffman, the rush toward simple answers has often led to well-meaning efforts that cause more waste than they save. The only way we can hope to make progress is to treat waste as the complicated issue it is. While the authors don't promise easy answers, in this compelling book they take an important step toward solutions by examining the questions at play, giving actionable steps, and ensuring that you'll never see the world of waste the same way again"--.

Caring for our forests

"Earth is home to many people and animals. It's also home to amazing forests, which are habitats for many living things. This book gives readers a glimpse into why forests are important and what issues face them, including deforestation and climate change. Readers will learn how they can best care for forests. With accessible text and vibrant photographs, this book also includes an activity with recycled materials to allow readers to start making positive changes in the world"--Provided by publisher.

Your planet needs you

a kid's guide to reducing waste and recycling
"An inspiring guide packed with simple explanations of of how kids and their families can reduce, re-use, and recycle to help clean up our planet"--Provided by publisher.

The (almost) zero waste guide

100+ tips for reducing your waste without changing your life
"A practical guide on how to go 'almost zero waste,' featuring 100 tips on how to reduce waste in your everyday life, at home, and in your community"--Provided by publisher.

You can change the world

the kids' guide to a better planet
Provides information about protecting the environment, and presents a guide to activities that promote sustainability and recycling. Highlights children from around the world who are working to protect the environment, and includes color illustrations and additional resources.

Nuestra huella en la tierra

Provides an understanding of the impact that humans have on the Earth and its environment, and suggests ways to reduce the damage.
Cover image of Nuestra huella en la tierra

Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy

Contains over three hundred alphabetically arranged entries that discuss concepts, institutions, topics, events, and people related to the field of environmental ethics, and includes photographs, illustrations, and sidebars, as well as a selection of related articles and documents.

Confessions of an eco-sinner

tracking down the sources of my stuff
The author reports on the what he learned after traveling the globe in search of the sources of the goods he uses in the course of his everyday life, including coffee, bananas, computers, cell phones, and other items.

Life on the brink

environmentalists confront overpopulation
Discusses population growth and how it contributes to ecological problems.


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