human-animal relationships

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human-animal relationships

The dog who danced

The sheep dog Mack is the only constant in his owner Justine Mead's life, and when she travels back to her childhood home Mack is lost and then found by the couple Alice and Ed Parmalee who are mourning the death of their daughter.

Ape house

a novel
Isabel Duncan, a scientist at the Great Ape Language Lab, embarks on an adventure with reporter John Thigpen to rescue a family of bonobos that escaped from her lab and have been cast on a reality television program.


Rachel, a teenager with a healthy dose of both aptitude and attitude, begins to feel at home volunteering at an animal shelter.

Chicken soup for the pet lover's soul

stories about pets as teachers, healers, heroes and friends
A collection of short inspirational stories about pets in their roles as teachers, healers, heros, companions, and friends.

The Baabaasheep Quartet

One day four sheep decided to leave the farm and venture to the big city; but in spite of their efforts, they could not seem to fit in, until they entered a singing contest.

Garfield, older & wider

A collection of comics in which Garfield is older, but still has the same attitude.

Isabel of the whales

On a whale watch trip with her class off the coast of Cape Cod, Isabel, who has always had an affinity for whales, falls overboard and discovers as she finds herself swimming underwater with whales all around her that she is one of the Chosen who can change shape from human to whale and back again.

Swimming with dolphins

A young girl and her mother go to the beach, wait for the dolphins to arrive, then swim, glide, laugh, and swim with them until it is time to go home. Includes facts about dolphins and their encounters with people.

Garfield feeds the kitty

A collection of black-and-white cartoon strips featuring Garfield the big-eating, wise-cracking, lazy cat.

Garfield beefs up

A collection of cartoon strips featuring Garfield the big-eating, wise-cracking, lazy cat.


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