Stevens, Kathryn

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Simple text and photographs provide an introduction to taking care of a pet hamster, discussing food, safety, health, needs, and dangers and including fun facts, a glossary, and a list of related resources.

Halloween jack-o'-lanterns

Describes the origin of Halloween and the meaning behind jack-o-lanterns and other customs connected to this holiday, as well as discussing the cultivation and uses of pumpkins.

Christmas trees

Describes the origin and significance of using evergreen trees at Christmastime, how they are grown, cut, and shipped, how to choose a good tree, and how to care for it.

Welcome to Iraq

Describes Iraq's history, landscape, plants, animals, people, city and country life, schools, languages, work, food, pastimes, and holidays, and presents a fact list, a list of local words and phrases, the national song, and a recipe.


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