Traces the life and achievements of the early spokesman against slavery who expressed his anti-slavery views in "Freedom's Journal," the first American newspaper owned and operated by African Americans.
his courage and ideals set the standard for broadcast journalism
Vonier, Sprague
Follows the career of the foreign correspondent whose radio news broadcasts during World War II made history and enabled him to expand into television journalism.
A collection of three of Tintin's adventures as he, the Captain, and Snowy search for Red Rackham's treasure, the cause of a mysterious coma, and for Professor Calculus.
When Geronimo agrees to be a caddie for his grandfather in a golf tournament, he and Special Agent OOK team up to prevent the theft of the Super Mouse Cup.
Introduces the life of Nellie Bly who, as a "stunt reporter" for the New York World newspaper in the late 1800s, championed women's rights and traveled around the world faster than anyone ever had.
A graphic novel based on the author's 1995-96 visits to Gora?de, one of the U.N.-created "safe areas" in Eastern Bosnia, showing the brutality and humanity that coexisted there during the Bosnian War of 1992-95.
Eighteen-year-old Christopher, who plans to be a spy, learns of a murder cover-up through his summer job as a morgue assistant and teams up with Tina, a gorgeous newspaper reporter, to investigate, despite great danger.
William F. Buckley Jr. and the rise of American conservatism
Bogus, Carl T
A biography of William F. Buckley Jr., journalist and controversial conservative, discussing his editorial magazine National Review started in 1955, his campaign for mayor of New York City, and his impact on conservatism from the 1960s to modern politics.