dog breeds

Topical Term
dog breeds

Scottish terriers

Describes the history, physical traits, behaviors, and uses of Scottish terriers. Includes fact boxes, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

The complete dog breed book

A guide for choosing and caring for a dog, with behavior, care, and positive training information.

The complete encyclopedia of dogs

Provides information on the appearance, temperament, social behavior, and general care of approximately 350 dog breeds, each with color photographs, and includes general information on the history and development of dog breeds, and tips of buying a pedigree dog.

The good, the bad, and the furry

choosing the dog that's right for you
An illustrated guide to the best and worst traits of over one hundred different dogs.

The dog encyclopedia for kids

Introduces dog breeds--arranged by group including herding, hound, non-sporting, sporting, terrier, toy and working--covering each breed's background, physical and behavioral traits, and more.

Be a dog expert

Do you know your Pugs from your Poodles? This guide to everything dog and puppy is packed with essential information from different dog breeds to how to look after a dog to facts about famous and record-breaking dogs.

Designer dogs

an expos? : inside the criminal underworld of crossbreeding
"[The author] reveals [the] obsession with new types of dogs--engineering puppies that keep getting smalleror sillier looking--and the . . . health consequences of this on those we claim as our best friends. She also provides . . . revelations on how this has led to a world of 'disposable pets'--puppies and adult dogs abandoned when their medical expenses become too costly and added to the 6.5 million animals entering shelters each year, or put on the street--and informed insight into what's ahead: made-to-order puppies; hybrid animals; shorter life spans for dogs; and even the extinction of breeds like French bulldogs, pit bulls, King Charles spaniels, mastiffs, Skye terriers, bloodhounds, and more"--Provided by publisher.


Text and photographs highlight the evolutionary history of the dog family, their domestication, anatomy, behavior, and breeds.
Cover image of Dog


Text and photographs highlight the evolutionary history of the dog family, their domestication, anatomy, behavior, and breeds.


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