Jones, Marcia Thornton

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No haunting zone!

The town board wants to tear down Sleepy Hollow Elementary and build a brand-new school. If the old school is gone, what will happen to the ghost class living in the basement?.

Frighting like cats and dogs

"Scaredy cats! There's a pet wash at Sleepy Hollow Elementary, and it isn't long before the classroom ghosts start causing trouble. Other kids can't see the ghosts, but the animals can --- and they're spooked! When the real pets escape, the ghost pets aren't far behind. It's up to Nina, Jeff, and Cassidy to track them down. Can they find the missing animals? Will the ghost pets be on the loose forever? Or will Nina and her friends wind up petrified.

Playground Bully

Jack, the new arrival at Barkley's School for Dogs, gets off to a rough start when he chews the bully Doberman's toy, but when someone else needs some protection, Jack soon learns that popularity is not quite as important as true friendship.
Cover image of Playground Bully

Playground bully

Jack, the new arrival at Barkley's School for Dogs, gets off to a rough start when he chews the bully Doberman's toy, but when someone else needs some protection, Jack soon learns that popularity is not quite as important as true friendship.

Ghost class

The ghosts who haunt the basement of Sleepy Hollow Elementary are determined not to allow living students to use their room.

Tattle tails

Harry tattles on the other dogs at Barkley's School, which causes a great deal of trouble for them.

The treasure haunt

An all-night read-a-thon at the Sleep Hollow Elementary School turns into a treasure hunt when the kids read about hidden treasure in the school basement.


Cover image of Champ

Ghost game #2

Ghostville Elementary
The ghost of Sleepy Hollow Elementary, bored with living in the basement, decide to cause some trouble in the school, but agree to go back where they belong only if Jeff, Cassidy, and Nina beat them in a game of basketball.

Class trip to the haunted house #10

Ghostville Elementary
Mr. Morton's fifth-grade class takes a trip to the Blackburn mansion when Andrew announces that his family has purchased the property and intends to tear it down.


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