Pebble plus : woodland wildlife

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White-tailed deer

Presents information about white-tailed deer, discussing their diet, habitat, and behavior. Includes a glossary, index, Common Core activities, and resources for further information.
Cover image of White-tailed deer

Red foxes

Presents information about red foxes, including their habitat, diet, reproduction, and appearance. Includes a glossary, index, Common Core questions, and resources for further information.
Cover image of Red foxes


Introduces young readers to some of the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of raccoons.
Cover image of Raccoons


Introduces young readers to some of the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and life cycle of rabbits.
Cover image of Rabbits

Gray squirrels

Presents information about gray squirrels, including their habitat, diet, reproduction, and appearance. Includes a glossary, index, Common Core questions, and resources for further information.
Cover image of Gray squirrels

North American Black bears

"Simple text and full color photos describe a black bear's appearance, life cycle, forest habitat and food"--Provided by publisher.

White-tailed deer

Simple text and photos describe a white-tailed deer's appearance, life cycle, forest habitat, food and threats.

Red foxes

"Simple text and full color photos describe a red fox's appearance, life cycle, forest habitat, food and threats"--Provided by publisher.


"Simple text and full color photos describe a raccoon's appearance, life cycle, forest habitat, food and threats"--Provided by publisher.


"Simple text and full color photos describe a rabbit's appearance, life cycle, forest habitat, food, and threats"--Provided by publisher.


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