volume (cubic content)

Topical Term
volume (cubic content)

Which holds more?

learning to compare volume
Simple text and photos show that bigger containers can hold more contents than smaller ones, using apples, books, water, and other items in examples.

?C?mo mides los l?quidos? =

How do you measure liquids?
"Simple text and color photographs describe the units and tools used to measure liquids--in both English and Spanish"--.

La limonada de Lul?

On a hot summer day, three children squabble over which ingredients and what quantities should go into their extra-special lemonade.


solids, circles & standard units
Presents real-world problems that provide students in grades four through seven with strategies for measuring solids and polyhedrons, circles, surface areas of three-dimensional shapes, and the volume of rectangular prisms.

What in the world is a pound?

Introduces children to pounds, explaining how pounds are used to measure the weight of certain things, describing different things that weigh a pound, and encouraging children to learn more by weighing things they commonly use.

What in the world is an ounce?

Discusses an ounce as a unit of measurement, shows how ounces are measured, and looks at things that are measured in ounces.

All about properties of matter

Learn that all objects are made of matter, and all matter can be described with these basic scientific properties: mass, weight, volume and density. Each property is described. Hands-on activity.

Package design

surface area and volume
Describes how the size and shape of a product relates to its packaging size, why the display, advertisement, and marketing is important, and introduces the concepts of surface and volume.

All about properties of matter

Learn that all objects are made of matter, and all matter can be described with these basic scientific properties: mass, weight, volume and density. Each property is described. Hands-on activity.

How full is full?

comparing bodies of water
Applies the math functions of measuring and comparing to bodies of water, and includes an activity and fullness quiz.


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