Despite his father's reassurances, Pedro is frightened by the monsters in his dreams--until he finds a way to use his love of monster trucks to defeat his dream monsters.
"Elbow Grease, a small, electric truck with a lot of gumption, enters the Monster Truck Grand Prix to prove to his brothers that he is just as capable as they are"--Provided by publisher.
Today the Rescue Bots are going to learn about the fastest cars and the biggest monster trucks! They'll explore some engines, check out big tires, speed around racetracks, and more! Want to race along for the adventure?.
"Take a look under the hood and learn what it takes to make these massive Monster Jam trucks go, get the inside scoop on the oldest rivalries among the teams, and take a crash course from Monster Jam University, where ordinary drivers become superstar athletes. It's all here in this Monster Jam Official Guidebook, a must-have for fans and future athletes alike!"--Back cover.