Divorce and your family

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Divorce, family court, and family law

"Whether their parents are going through an acrimonious divorce or they just need to know what to expect when their parents break up, teens will find this volume a useful resource about the legal side of divorce. The narrative begins with an explanation of marriage, and why legal divorce is even necessary, before examining the steps in the process of divorce. Readers will learn about custody and visitation and other issues that will affect them personally..."--Amazon.com.

Life in a blended family

Combining families after a divorce isn’t as easy as The Brady Bunch made it look. Adapting to divorce is difficult enough without dealing with another change in your family. This valuable resource will expose readers to the different scenarios they might encounter when a parent marries again. Teens will glean tips on getting to know their stepparent and stepsiblings, sharing their parent’s love with new family members, and even welcoming a new baby half sibling. Anyone feeling lost in the confusion of a newly blended family will benefit from the advice found in this volume.

Understanding your parents' divorce

"The breakup of a family can be a confusing time. Without clear and honest communication from their parents, teens can be left with feelings of guilt, shame, and anger. Many children of divorce wrongly believe they are the reason for the dissolution of their parents marriage. This ... guide explains what parents go through when they split up and the challenges they face in dealing with their own pain as well as the trauma to their children. Readers will learn the best ways to communicate their feelings to their parents, as well as how to adapt to their new life"--Amazon.com.

A teen's guide to custody

"One of the most important issues that divorcing couples must agree on is custody, a concept that baffles children who are used to living with both parents full time. This resource explains the custody process, how custody decisions are made, and how these decisions will affect the lives of the children. It provides practical advice on dealing with parents, the court system, and the difficult and confusing emotions that accompany divorce"--Amazon.com.
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