Taylor, Barbara

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Get it in gear!

the science of movement
Simple experiments demonstrate how everyday machines use the principles of motion and how forces such as friction and gravity affect movement.

Monkeys & apes

Bears: 100 facts

Maps and mapping

Bug athletes

Introduces several types of insects that can move in extraordinary ways, such as ants that can lift items many times their own size and hawk moths that can fly at speeds over thirty miles per hour.

Structures, materials & art activities

Information about different kinds of structures built by humans and ideas about what it is like to be involved in a construction project form the foundation for a variety of craft projects.

Weather and climate

An introduction to weather and climate, discussing world climates, seasons, violent weather, weather pollution, and the elements of changing weather. Includes instructions for making a weather station.

Forest life

Discusses the plants and animals that live in forests. Includes the weasel, giant wood wasp, and slippery jack mushroom.

The really deadly and dangerous dinosaur

and other monsters of the prehistoric world
Presents information about a variety of dinosaurs, including the Allosaurus, Compsognathus, and Iguanadon.


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